Who are any of these people?
You don't know who Sharon Osbourne is? Ozzy's wife? She is one of several hosts on a women's gabfest daytime talk show. And it doesn't matter if you don't know who any of them are. What Sharon called them is atrocious.
The DuckTales finale has now made me slightly upset the series won't be continuing. I'll be d-ed if they didn't do a good job with the series as a whole though.
M Night should have retired after Signs. Everything after that was kind of a letdown to outright embarrassing.
I think it’s to the where only people who really like M. Night Shamalamadingdong’s prior work are bothering with his new stuff, so he’s going to get high ratings from the crowds.
All Elite Wrestling and Law and Order reruns?What percentage of TNT/TBS/TruTV programming does not involve Impractical Jokers or something spun off of that?
All Elite Wrestling and Law and Order reruns?
All Elite Wrestling and Law and Order reruns?
All Elite Wrestling and Law and Order reruns?
Used to have Law and Order. Now they run NCIS: New Orleans. Lots of Marvel and Star Wars as well.
They came out with the second round of ads for the new Mighty Ducks series. Looks like they made Bombay an antagonist again. Now he runs (owns?) a rink and hates hockey... again.