Re: Top Chef Las Vegas
That really bugged me. Lose with class.
That really bothered me, too. While you totally hit your target in making everyone confused, but liking your dish, think of the goal. It was a steak house, and a vegitarian challenge. Kevin nailed the whole idea of presenting a vegtable dish that was 1) the feel of a meat dish to a pallate, and 2) wholey and completely a main dish and not a collection of sides. And his execution was spot on.
If you look back and say woulda, coulda, shoulda- then you SHOULD HAVE! Don't complain about the judges enjoying a dish you thought you could have done in your sleep, but didn't do it. This is a JUDGED competition. Sometimes, you DO have to make the customers that happy.
I don't think Jen wins anymore. Unless there is some kind of major re-do of her attitude, she is way over questioning herself to get more than a few more rounds. Where did that over confident, somewhat cockey chef go?
I'm SO glad that Mike I went home. He really bugged me. And, like was posted from Tom's blog- it made it 100% clear that those who are concentrating on "Robin doesn't deserve to be here" instead of their own cooking are living on the edge. One of these challenges, Robin *may* hit a major home run- I doubt it, too- but you never know. Who would have thought that Clara would have been in the final 3 if you hadn't watched the last 5 episodes? Well, except for the last one....
Eli and the V bros need to focus on what THEY are doing, and Nobody else (all the time, I might add). Jen needs to pull her head out.
If that doesn't happen, this is 100% Kevin's to loose. He's doing a great job of ignoring the garabage that is going on around him. So far, his only mistake was taking on too much at restaurant wars.