This thread title turned out to be ironic...
Maybe it just comes down to cheapness. There are hookers whose whole business is top tier political, entertainment, sports and media leaders, and I suspect they're quite diverting. They're expensive, though, because they're paid to keep their mouths shut when not professionally engaged.
This thread title turned out to be ironic...
Maybe it just comes down to cheapness. There are hookers whose whole business is top tier political, entertainment, sports and media leaders, and I suspect they're quite diverting. They're expensive, though, because they're paid to keep their mouths shut when not professionally engaged.
Tim Tebow is our last hope for a sports athlete who isn't doing something shady...
Maybe it just comes down to cheapness.
Yeah, until he becomes "Tina" Tebow.
Obviously he is doing someone other than his wife.
Carl Spackler said:This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.
Tim Tebow is our last hope for a sports athlete who isn't doing something shady...
Hello, Kobe? It's Tiger. Say, can you give me the name of a good jeweler?
What the line Tiger supposedly said, "I need a mansion for a finger."?
He called it a "Kobe Bryant special" and a "house on a finger". Supposedly. In the same sentence he supposedly said he was going to Zales, which is slightly below his stature.
That wouldn't work because on the third day it would rise again.
Seriously, Tiger... you have a hot Swedish supermodel as your wife. I know that fidelity might mean less to you than it does for people like me, but are you kidding me?
I know that fidelity might mean less to you than it does for people like me