Well, after all the press and hoopla over Tiger's encounter with a hydrant and local flora the FHP determined that his accident will cost him a $164 citation and 4 points on his driving record. Glad we can put this national tragedy to rest now.
I hope so, but the hookers are coming out of the woodwork now. Various media "reports" (of the triple hearsay variety) claim there's more than just one doxy involved.
I hope so, but the hookers are coming out of the woodwork now. Various media "reports" (of the triple hearsay variety) claim there's more than just one doxy involved.
I caught this gem on the ESPN ticker "The 911 operator in the Wood's accident retained a lawyer"
Makes sense ... even his neighobr's retained a lawyer.
I never understand why people keep these texts and calls. So they can blackmail them later?Another woman from Las Vegas has come forward with details of a multi-year affair. She says she has texts, calls, etc to prove it. Given how aggressive Tiger legally pursues people who invade his privacy, I would think this woman has pretty compelling evidence.
Yep...I never understand why people keep these texts and calls. So they can blackmail them later?
I never understand why people keep these texts and calls. So they can blackmail them later?
Possibly. She apparently has over 300 texts. These women who have affairs with celebrities have to know there may be a juicy story of it someday.
Or maybe she was in love and kept Tiger's texts as love tokens
Hell, the way women talk, I'm surprised anything truthful, or not, about Tiger messing around didn't spill out eons ago.
Saving texts and voice mails shows a certain level of effective forward planning. However, it pales in comparison to saving a stained dress!
Saving texts and voice mails shows a certain level of effective forward planning. However, it pales in comparison to saving a stained dress!
Never underestimate the potential disturbed mental state of a woman: The "booty call girl" of a college buddy of mine had saved the used profilactics he had tossed in her waste basket. He found them in her drawer one night while looking for fresh one.....in the dark.
Needless to say, word got around about that girl right quick. That is straight-up bat-sh*t crazy.