Yep, still here
Minnesota State Sen. John Jasinski (R) argues against legalizing marijuana because it will result in early retirement for drug-sniffing dogs: "The police dog discussion ... that's a big issue."
Minnesota State Sen. John Jasinski (R) argues against legalizing marijuana because it will result in early retirement for drug-sniffing dogs: "The police dog discussion ... that's a big issue."
No dogs want to work anymore.
im not gonna give them handouts
Kentucky Supreme Court dismisses the lawsuit brought by abortion providers and ACLU to halt the implementation of our insanely restrictive abortion laws due to lack of standing, but opens the door for women actually harmed by the law to sue. Not that I expect that to get anywhere, but stay tuned, I guess.
A guy who thinks brute force is the way to interact with beavers. Sad
To be fair, the same thing happens to your dick if you frequent his meth whore mom:
A guy who thinks brute force is the way to interact with beavers.