Where is that not true? The rich and powerful skate everywhere and have since civilization began.
Every once in a while. I still can't figure out how Martha Stewart ended up in jail. It's a conundrum.
Presumably because her insider trading harmed the net worth of other rich people.
Where is that not true? The rich and powerful skate everywhere and have since civilization began.
You're adorable.
For about 5 minutes during the French Revolution. Then some short dude took over and ruined the whole thing.
Where is that not true? The rich and powerful skate everywhere and have since civilization began.
What's the point of being rich and powerful if that's not the case?
What's the point of being rich and powerful if that's not the case?
What's the point of being rich and powerful if that's not the case?
What's the point of being rich and powerful if that's not the case?
I could think of lots of things I could do that would not require it...but then I am not an azzhole (to their level) which is why I will never be rich and powerful.
It has nothing to do with being an azzhole. There are plenty of nice people who are also rich and/or powerful, but also still use that wealth and power to their advantage.
And I'm not just talking about getting away with murder or something, although if you want to get away with murder, having tons of money will help. It can be something as simple as getting a permit granted that might otherwise have been denied, getting access to the levers of power, money to pay for expensive accountants and lawyers, a million little things that will give you an advantage.
Honestly, if you have money and power and you don't take advantage of it, you're a fool. It would be like buying a new car, but then letting it just sit in your driveway.
If you have money and power, you want more money and power. That is not unique to any race, sex, political creed or otherwise. That is the simple truth, and the reason it's true is the advantages it will give you.
but then I am not an azzhole
I appreciate your tidy summary of why a functioning democratic government needs to be strong. Thank you.
Hey, seems like the least I could do for you guys, especially given the endless amusement provided to me by posters here who, while drafting posts on their smartphones, laptops, tablets or desk top computers, constantly whine about corporations, profit motives, capitalism, etc..., but then want to talk about new tv shows to stream, ev cars, their new PS5, travel, etc...
Which means of course you purposefully don't read the comments by all the posters who acknowledge and rip that hypocrisy...
Not all of us rip corporate shills while having stock in Di$ney.
America's hypocrisy is why it is failing.