Well-known member
That is what I heard as well. I hear way better things about the Gov than I ever did about the Mayor.
The Libertarians and Republicans hate Prtizker because of his latest antics (the midnight passing of the assault looking* weapons ban being the leading issue currently), along with his "handling" of the pandemic... *rollseyes at those people*.
And he's got a statewide shade over himself for being "old money, old politics" in Illinois (a green space garden in the city is because his family was the benefactor of it, and his family is the heirs to the Hyatt fortune). The stunt he pulled during the renovation of his house prior to the election still stings too. Cook County property tax is assessed on the habitability of a house, uninhabitable houses are valued at just 10% of market value. Pritzker, to save on taxes, had all the toilets removed from the house to make it uninhabitable knocking the assessed value from over six million to right around one million.
Pritzker has been good for the state, but listening to anyone outside the collar counties, and even some within, he's been a useless failure (with no proof offered).
Honestly, Rauner was the last decent Republican (and knew how to keep Madigan and his ilk well in check, but he got run off thanks to the MAGA-ing of politics. Rauner was pro-life, but staunchly supported pro-choice because "that's up to the woman and her doctor."
Back to JB, the gun bill, and some other maneuvering he's done in the last few weeks, has been fueling rumors that he's going to make a Presidential run. Outside of Illinois, those political "blunders" aren't mentioned, which gives him a more favorable review nationally.
* Any scary looking guns are banned. Everything from actual AR-15s and AK-47s, to 22s that merely look like "assault" weapons. Scary looking rifles, handguns, and some shotguns are banned. The only thing you can legally purchase or own (unless grandfathered by having previously owned) are traditional looking handguns with a magazine capacity smaller than 15, and traditional looking rifles with a magazine smaller than 10 rounds. Or some shotguns (I forget the details with them).
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