A lot of women don’t know they are pregnant right away. ESP ones not planning to be
True. But Handy did say "might be". I would hope most women would know if they are in that category or not.
A lot of women don’t know they are pregnant right away. ESP ones not planning to be
True. But Handy did say "might be". I would hope most women would know if they are in that category or not.
Among the zillions of reasons this is positively horrifying is Alito's claims that unenumerated rights must be "deeply rooted in history" to be valid. You know, like contraceptives, gay marriage, interracial marriage, transition treatment, etc. There have been 50 years of decisions that reference Roe, and with that fundamental bedrock removed...
Among the zillions of reasons this is positively horrifying is Alito's claims that unenumerated rights must be "deeply rooted in history" to be valid. You know, like contraceptives, gay marriage, interracial marriage, transition treatment, etc. There have been 50 years of decisions that reference Roe, and with that fundamental bedrock removed...
I read a comment joking (joking-ish?) that this draft read like a 2-Law student who just completed his Con Law courses and thinks he knows something, but is just using his (poor) grasp of judicial precedent to validate his pre-conceived conclusion. That this would result in either a straight F or a "re do this, but like, for real next time".
I’d think people who travel to Nola for fun are generally fun loving people, but yeah perhaps it will only be those who don’t have sex lol
We are literally one decision by the Supremes away from basically nullifying the USA.
Well even if we stipulate that LA would want to test every woman within their border (I cant think of an airport that could even try to do that they can barely handle having CLEAR lines) what are they gonna go if say you go to LA and they find out you are pregnant? You can't get an abortion there, and you certainly wouldn't go to a doctor there even in NoLa unless you had a severe emergency. They can't force you to stay throughout the pregnancy so you would just fly home here and be safe after your travels. If you are an LA resident though get used to being spied on until the baby is born...
Here is where things are going to really destroy this country; as soon as the Supremes uphold any State Law that prohibits pregnant people from going out of state to get an abortion. If we are going to give States ultimate authority and sovereignty then by definition one state can't stop another state from doing what is legal within their borders. If the Supremes decide that is no longer the truth, then for all intents and purposes the Union is dissolved. Each state becomes independent, a nation unto itself. Plus, wouldn't the inverse then be true? If say NoDak can say no NoDaker can come to Minnesota to get an abortion couldn't Minnesota then say no Minnesotan can be denied an abortion in NoDak? Isnt this why the Federal Government exists, so such fighting between the states doesn't occur?
We are literally one decision by the Supremes away from basically nullifying the USA.
11-year-old girls under GOP old enough to:
Legally marry? —YES, Tennessee HB 233
Charge with homicide for an abortion? —YES, Louisiana HB 813
Learn about racism? —NO, 31 states pass bills to ban dialogue on racism
This isn’t hyperbole. It will get worse. Vote GOP Out.
Probably the same White Women that voted for Trump. Naive.