That wouldn't even would have to be something like getting a vasectomy since that prevents fertilization.
I am not sure what these clowns are thinking...that is beyond even Taliban level authoritarianism. Unless the plan of the GOP is to completely split the US this is just beyond ridiculous. They are going to force anyone who believes in any right beyond 2A to flee to Blue States which will lead to dissolving of the Union. I get they think that is a cool plan and all but we have all the money, we will have all the work force and we will have all the jobs.(not to mention most of the women...surely the only ones you would ever want to spend any time with)
Even if they get to have their Fuckwit States of America it will last at most a decade before they have to sell themselves back because no-one outside Saudi Arabia and their ilk will do business with them. This is dumber than the South leaving over Slavery. They are celebrating turning themselves into a nation the UN usually is forced to help out to protect the people.
As someone who was raised to respect all beliefs and love this country warts and all (and also has an IQ higher than my belt size) I am just in awe of how much these fucking dickless flaccid pieces of cunt lint celebrate their evil stupidity. They think God loves God would ever be happy with them. He made them dickless losers for a reason. And personally, I fully embrace our future female overlords we have earned every punishment they give us and then some.
Oh and Sic, joecct, and any other con who is giggling at our won't be remembered, you won't be honored and in the end everyone will celebrate when you die un-ceremoniously. If Hell exists even Hitler will laugh at the amount of suffering you do.
That Collins was able to blithely announce her confidence in these Republican-appointed justices’ support of Roe is more than infuriating; it’s alarming.
Now, she will get a chance to see exactly how extreme and inhumane abortion bans can be. If this opinion is what the court ultimately decides, people are going to suffer — economically, mentally, physically. Unwanted babies will be born. People will risk their lives trying to preserve their personal choice — and not all of them will survive. And what about the women who otherwise wouldn’t carry their children to term, just to die bearing them?
Will Collins still believe every nice man who makes promises to her over tea?
I ask this with grim sincerity: How many would have to die for Susan Collins to lose her innocence?
It almost makes you wish she was just a liar.
LA amended their language today to insure Ectopic pregnancies are included in homicide.
I’m literally sick to my stomach right now. Nothing is more painful than an ectopic pregnancy and I can vouch.
Maybe I can be thrown in jail for mine retroactively. Literally sentencing women to jail for homicide for something they have no control over.
trying to think of the equivalent for all the men out there. You have a prostate issue? Jail!
I really don't even know what to say about all of this.
It isn't about protecting life. It's about fuck you. Punishing others. Cruelty.
Update on everyone’s least favorite senator:
It sounds like her and Murkowski are trying to get something done.
Will Mitchie promise her a hearing on it like he promised for her last health care proposal?
That was then ignored. But that's ok, he got her vote for some draconian Repub measure.
Susie never learns her lesson. Or, she just doesn't care.
Their stupid idea will still allow states to enact the draconian laws. The current one isn’t going to require catholic hospitals to do abortions.
just a way for these two rotting cunts to look like they care, when they have proven time and time again that they don’t.
Update on everyone’s least favorite senator:
It sounds like her and Murkowski are trying to get something done.
“Some are saying that this legislation would tell hospitals – certain religious hospitals – that they have to perform abortions,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said at a news conference Thursday afternoon, without naming Collins. “That is simply not true. This bill simply gives providers the statutory right to provide abortion care without medically unnecessary restrictions. That’s plain and simple. So, this rumor is false.”
From your own article. She's lying again.
Why don’t the two bills meet in the middle? Catholic hospitals are exempt but states can’t restrict abortions.
Should we be concerned about KBJ? Collins found her suitable as well. The norm up until McConnell denied Obama his final Supreme Court nominee was that as long as someone was qualified they were confirmed. If Kavanaugh gets replaced by some other random conservative does it make a difference?
That depends how they feel about settled law. Not every conservative judge is willing to destroy the 14th Amendment because they misread the Bible.
And no, KBJ would have confirmed without Collins, and if she was the deciding vote she would have voted against and everyone knows it. (all of a sudden she would be calling her an "activist" judge who has some "troubling history" with race and CRT...because Collins has never had a thought of her own) Keep trying, just because you keep protesting doesn't somehow make you right. Collins is a fraud, she is bought and paid for by people who could give two craps about you or your state.
The worst provisions may get watered down in the end, I dunno. Doctors won’t be able to actually uphold their oath and practice if this stands.
if it does stand, then as a woman I wouldn’t go near Nola. These operatives have been practicing- they’ll be looking for tourist women to catch in this crap. There is no point too low.
and frankly, Cities like Nola with huge tourism need to throw their weight around to pressure the state.
Update on everyone’s least favorite senator:
It sounds like her and Murkowski are trying to get something done.
So add the language. What harm would that do?
What woman who is pregnant (or even might be pregnant) would ever go to a Red State?
Probably the same White Women that voted for Trump. Naive.