Re: Save Uah Hockey!
How much do they charge for admission? I don't find it especially surprising if high schools in areas that are more populated and have hockey as their only real sport can draw more people at lower prices. I'm sure there's also high schools in Texas that draw more people to their football games than some Div-IA schools.
It's somewhat of a moot point, since I'm pretty sure Northern/LSSU would bus it anyway, but how much would it cost to have ~30 people make those 6 flights, with about 25 hockey bags in additional to regular luggage?
Since when did second graders have significant amounts of homework? I also did travel hockey growing up, and a couple sports in high school, and I never had to do work while traveling.
Absolutey CCHA country is really being hit hard by this recession.
In our neck of the woods many highschool teams sell out two to four thousand seats in a highschool arena. I wonder if our highschool arenas are on par with schools in the CCHA or ECHA? If it is no wonder CCHA team have a hard time consistently winning on a year in and year out basis.
How much do they charge for admission? I don't find it especially surprising if high schools in areas that are more populated and have hockey as their only real sport can draw more people at lower prices. I'm sure there's also high schools in Texas that draw more people to their football games than some Div-IA schools.
Done it myself in 2002-3 when we played at Marquette. Huntsville-Memphis-Detroit-Marquette. Wasn't the greatest, but I got there in under 20 hours, unlike my friends who drove. Rode out on the same plane on Sunday with the CCHA refs.
It's somewhat of a moot point, since I'm pretty sure Northern/LSSU would bus it anyway, but how much would it cost to have ~30 people make those 6 flights, with about 25 hockey bags in additional to regular luggage?
My kid is 13 and plays hockey- not at an amazingly elite level but we travel every weekend. He figured out by second grade how to do homework in the car and to plan ahead. Last yr he was a 'group leader' in school (for pretty much the whole yr) and on more than one occassion had to run the groups while traveling. If he can do it then I think that a college level guy (who would have had years more experience at juggling)can, esp with internet being so accessable via phone and card.
Since when did second graders have significant amounts of homework? I also did travel hockey growing up, and a couple sports in high school, and I never had to do work while traveling.