yep.Just checked the calendar - yup, it's Tuesday alright. :head desk:
Happy Hanukkah to Ralph and any other Jewish lodge members!
I'm actually pulling for Tech this season, just not that weekend.
Dunno why. Probably how much I love the Keweenaw (favorite area in the U.P.) and to some degree, like Houghton.
Also - when I first went there, Tech fans on here made great suggestions so we saw all of the cool places.
HH to you and all the other celebrators.Thanks. HH to any other Jewish Lodge members.
And to everyone "Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!" which literally translates to "A Good Slide into the New Year" a wonderful German greeting which has no English counterpart as far as I know. It is only used before January 1.
The group that went this past weekend is already getting a weekend in July planned to tour the UP. Houghton one night and Eagle River the other.
We went to Eagle River...
On the map, it looked promising. When we got there... nothing.
DHG?Well, honestly, it's partly for their scotch/whiskey selection. for a small sample.
We did chuckle when we found that cell phones connected to Canadian networks at points, making anything an "international" call. I'm looking forward to this. The views are outstanding, and who doesn't love a random road trip?
Then, we're off to see Santa with the LGF.
The Lesbian and Gay Foundation???
Happy Birthday dxmnkd316!!
Baking, baking. Up to the 11th lb of butter
Sugar cookie baking, all day.