C'mon Q!
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #173: (Insert Title)
Good morning to tLodge!
Good morning to tLodge!

Had a dream last night that Arizona State started a D1 hockey team.
Good Morning Lodge.
That's it, no more Korean food before bed for you!
The wife is Philipino, not Korean.
/stops channeling mookie
Telemarketer time. And this is a good one. My comments are underlined...
"Allo, this is.....Kevin calling regarding your Windows computer"
"Oh, okay. What kind of computer do I have?"
"You have a Windows/Mac."
"I do? Then why is Microsoft calling me?"
"Who said Microsoft?"
"Well, Microsoft runs Windows, so why would you be calling me about my Mac?"
"Just what kind of scam are you running here, big guy?"
Short pause....and then he comes out with this gem:
"You f-ing c-nt..."
"**** you, you c-s-ing m-fing...<at this point I really get nasty>"
Well... got the final news today and it's good. The boy made varsity.
He'll play quite a bit of JV too as they are short numbers, but he'll play every varsity game and he has a stall in the varsity locker room.
Wish they could have just told us a week ago. Was certainly obvious to me.
More relieved than happy at the moment, but happy will set in soon.
Pride is always there.