Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 135: Rain, rain go away
We told him if he pulls an F in anything XC season is over before it starts. He almost pooped his pants.
I remember getting an F in health class once... i did all the leg work for a project in the class (gathered all the reference materials) but since I didn't write a word of the report I got an 'F'....
now, that being said, i'm sure that's not what is happening here... I don't know, I was notorious for not turning in homework 'cause I didn't care. In another case I struggled to a D- in bio because I couldn't remember all the **** parts to the animals.
edit: I think it has to be impressed upon him what performance in HS could do... if I did better in HS I may never have gone to Lowell.... but that being said, maybe that means I go to grad school at an Ivy League school. This stuff matters in the end even if it doesn't seem like it and even if it seems dumb in the interim. You know, I got hired at the same time as two ivy league girls... who got attention and opportunities? They did. You know who is more talented? I am*. While I'm proving that outright right now, its still a hurdle I can never climb. 20 years from now they'll still have graduated from Yale and Penn. I will still be a UConn (and a UMass-Lowell) graduate. People will say it doesn't matter where you go to school. Horse ****. It matters a whole lot because its short hand for those who don't have time to measure your abilities... and its also good for networking.
The harder you work now means the less you'll have to work hard later. I can't even being to tell you the level of stress I'm under to establish my capabilities in my field... the same capabilities that are assumed if you went to an Ivy.
*I believe I'm more talented than our Augsburg (BS), Columbia (MS), Yale (PhD) grad... I believe I'm on equal footing in talent with our UChicago (BS), Penn (PhD) grad (with a teaching stint at the London School of Economics)... yet that being said, I was seen as 3rd (or lower) banana. THIS STUFF MATTERS.
edit #2: another instance... one of the work mukity-mucks has a Yale Econ PhD. My division chief (think, chief of research) mentioned this as if this was a sign of his eminent intelligence. High school WILL make a difference.