She's older than you? Wow! I don't believe that. She looks like a teenager!
she thinks. she came here when she was "12" and started in 6th grade. she said her dad didn't really understand the forms when they were filling them out and he just made up dates/years/etc. according to the state she is three months older than i, but she says she is really, probably, maybe a couple of years.
--i don't like to write stuff down. i got married on a holiday so i'd remember. i forget stuff like birthdays and whatnot all the time. surprised i remembered "it" was yesterday, in fact.
Late 70s after the communists took over. She is Thai. But was living over the meikong river as her parents bought a store in Laos and was running it when stuff went down. Her dad was taken away with all the men to re-educate. Her mom put together some crazy plan for him to escape, then they all crossed the border back to Thailand and they sought refuge status. I'm not sure back then there was much in the way of records. As I am sure there is no record of her being born as a Thai citizen (her oldest sister and younger brother were. So we can't buy land there.).
I know a girl at work from there - I think she's ~35 or thereabouts, but she looks like she's in her early 20's. Gotta love the asian DNA.
Wait, so because her siblings are Thai, YOU can't buy land there?
if she "was" thai, she could. if you are a farang you can only buy "99 yr lease", which technically cover MY lifespan. but....
her sister and brother could buy land. i can only lease. she can only lease.
that was the point.
Doesn't work (and yes, I'm on FB).
Hi, guys. I almost bought a Cadillac.
Ahhhhh, ok. It's weird that they would allow a proven sibling of a Thai (even though s/he may or may not be Thai) to not buy land there.
That was going to be my guess.
she turned 43 yesterday according to her drivers license. she says she is at least 45 or 46. her sister with the braces and curls would be two years older next month (45 or 48).
Why'd you almost buy a Cadillac?