Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #111: Filling in for the night shift
I suppose college sports were bad to bring up, since going to school in an area doesn't mean you're from there (and living in an area doesn't mean you root for the local school).
The only real exception to this is the state schools that have a wider following / fan identity. Most people in MN, WI, MI, and ND are very much aware of the Gophers, Badgers, Wolverines, and [name to be determined] and are likely to align with those schools (unless they end up attending one of their rival schools or grow up in a household with parents that went to a rival school). I started following Gopher hockey long before I ever attended school there, and I didn't even live in this part of the state at the time (ah, the wonders of cable tv and midwest sports channel).
That said, I would rather see UNH win a National Title than see the Sox, Pats, or Celtics win another championship.
You're a hockey fan first, so that makes sense. How close would a Cup for the B's be to a title for UNH?
So what? Pulling out a DVD of the 2007 World Series doesn't change the fact of what the Bruins just did. In fact, all of that other success just throws the Bruins (continual) failure into sharp relief.
Although for many other fans (like the sports guy), watching that DVD
would help. Unless someone conducts an in-depth poll of fanbases, we'll never know how many of them find relief when other sports teams win titles after their primary failed to do it. It'd be an interesting sociological study if nothing else.
but there are a lot of fans in the area who are Bruins fans first and foremost, and this won't be an easy loss to take for any of them.
I guess the only solace for them (and you) is that this loss didn't occur in the Stanley Cup finals. If there's one thing I've figured out in all these years of watching sports, it's that the closer your team is to the title when they lose, the more painful the loss becomes. This is why I don't really give a **** about the loss to Holy Cross but will always remember the sting of the OT failure against Harvard in '89.