I don't even do it that often compared to the other folks in my group and it is a big pain in the ***.And try doing business travel for a living. You really begin to hate your life.
Better than ClevelandThat's what I thought. Way to make it easy for whomever found/stole it to keep making up fake IDs in your name, forever...
What a lovely day to fly to Grand Forks, ND. There are NO hotels/motels near the GF International Airport. How is that an international airport - other than the fact you can see Canada from the tower?
Tomorrow morning I drive to New Rockford, ND - a flyspeck on the map. Then after work on site I drive to the Fargo airport to fly home. Isn't business travel exciting?![]()
It just took me 1 hour and 10 minutes to place an order for 1 book and one DVD on Borders.com. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I was too cheap to pass up an 18$ savings but boy am I aggravated. WHat is the likelihood I will use Borders.com again- less than my finding a million bucks in my bank account.
ANd in cool news. I got my hair chopped and am sending a big hank to Locks of Love- they take the hair and make wigs out of it for kids with Cancer and other medical illnesses. My hair is now chin length. I feel kinda bald.
Well we know all sorts of things from Mass are just plain weird.Just remember, two teams from Mass play for a spitoon.
I'm sure that you're right, Metro Transit likes the law written that way. In their defense though, the primary concern of Metro Transit (or any transit agency) isn't revenue - even the largest transit agencies run in the red - it's the ridership level. That gives them hard numbers on which to plan their budget requests (capital, operations and expansion), gives them an idea of where service is needed and where it can be scaled back, and in the end helps you get to your destination more effectively. When you don't actively swipe/beep your MetroPass, the transit planners have no idea that you rode the train that day, and don't know to throw your fare to funding that line.
Having said that, the officer shouldn't have given you lip about not swiping the card, but should have explained why they need the data. No reason to be a power-hungry doosh about it.
I have been growing my hair out for over a year now to donate. I am going to wait until at least next summer, maybe another year if I can. It is defaintly long enough to donate now, but I want to donate super long hair. I also have been the most diliagant about my hair then ever before in my life. I actually go get it cut every 4-6 weeks.
Couple thoughts:
1. I remember when "going to Chicago" meant something else on this board.
2. Going to Chi to hang with Scarlet would be pretty cool.
3. Mmmm, breweries. But, alas, probably won't have time. I think this will be a two-day bender, and no sight-seeing. Although, this will be my 3rd trip in less than 3 years out there; I've seen most of the sights out there.
When are you flying out? Not the same time I am by chance? I'm going mid-morning on the 30th, if the times work out, I can pick you up and give you a ride. Then we can have a morning drink at the airport before we head off to our destinations.
Hey, Lodge!
Chicago... or Co Springs nestled between all the breweries?
... or rather north of Chicago (Hoffman Estates?) to see BU play Saturday and Sunday...
Not far, hour-hour and half or so.How far is Denver from CO Springs? There's still a decent chance that FM and I will be out that way around New Year.
Given that this new lady was after him before, and now has gotten back to him again, it seems to me like she is more to blame. It feels like a situation where she is taking advantage of him being vulnerable after his wife's passing.The FIL is bringing his new GF to dinner tonight. He started seeing her about 4-5 weeks after my MIL passed, maybe sooner but that is when he mentioned it. Lil is not happy he is bringing her. He can't get why he has moved on (FIL hasn't said anything before this in front of Lil but is maneuvering to bring her to Christmas). I don't get how he moved on before she was cold. The man literally can't be alone for a few weeks. My MIL told stories about how she had chased this woman away when the woman was making the moves on my FIL while MIL was right thereTHe lady knew they were an item (they lived together but didn't marry). Not respecting her for that. Having a hard time respecting my FIL for not even taking the time to mourn before he moved on. Gonna be really weird.
It is making me get the decorating done. One of the Xmas trees is up, the kitchen and dining room are all done andd it is only 10.
Aaaaand found out yest that the work Xmas Pahty is at my house too. Actually psyched for that but life is full.
Gonna be really weird.
Although, this will be my 3rd trip in less than 3 years out there; I've seen most of the sights out there.
How far is Denver from CO Springs? There's still a decent chance that FM and I will be out that way around New Year.
True. And dd_bl- I do feel that way about her but he also has had this pattern. He lost Mr.'s Mum after close to 30 yrs and almost before you could take a breath had taken up with the woman who worked with him. Then she died and within weeks was with a crazy lady (I forbade her the house- she was a psycho), then moved on th the MIL and now this lady. It must make a difference who the person is but it doesn't seem to.I don't know why this is surprising... This isn't abnormal behavior for a 20 year old and a lot of people don't grow up... They just grow old and complicated... That's why they don't act 20... It's not because they don't want to.
We have lives....and more hockey.I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks and we're only 700 posts into the thread? come on people!