The CHL has no fear of anything from the NCAA. The CHL is well established, well funded, has a dedicated fan base, has the respect of professional hockey league world-wide. The CHL has great stadiums, usually great facilities, great media coverage (especially locally). The CHL's product is part of Canada's culture -- in many way (not all ways, but many) the same as minor league baseball in the States. Hockey, unlike basketball and football, does not rely on the standard American model, which is generally: Local sports, high school, college, pro. The CHL is a unique animal in sports, unlike anything in the U.S. (aside from the cultural similarity to minor league baseball).
NCAA hockey is literally torn between two worlds -- the dominant Canadian system and the unique-to-hockey, somewhat regional American model (which is primarly a Minnesota oddity vis-a-vis hockey). The NCAA is of course an American system, and its stewards are likely to be confused by the wierd nature of the CHL and its wierd place in the hockey world (wierd in as much as it deviates so radically from the standard American sports arch).
So its not suprising to me that the NCAA would be fighting this war with the CHL in this manner. I think the ban is based upon ignorance more than any serious logical conclusion. Just my opinion. This is why the CHL ban seems arcane and misplaced to those of us who grew up, and still follow to varying degrees, the Canadian system.
I encourage anyone who has not yet spent some time in a CHL rink to make a road trip. Go see a game. Make it a weekend. I promise you, it is not just "faster" USHL. Its really an impressive product. I believe that until you see something, you will never understand. The same is likely very true for all our Canadian friends (and I have many) who think NCAA hcokey is still for small non-fighting Minnesota kids. (This is an actual line by a friend of mine after a beer league game last night, when this topic came up at the bar. In fact, many of the guys said, basically, "I like the Lakers and all, but I can't say I have muuch respect for college players.").
My point is, even my old hockey buddies in Soo have their own bias -- in that case against high school hockey, which in Michigan is a joke. Unless they see Minnesota or North Dakota or Alaska high school hockey, they don't understand. And won't ever understand.
So my advise: go to a CHL game. Be the smarter, more educated college products and expand your knowledge. For you Minnesotans, I don't know what to tell you. Your closest CHL team is Brandon, Manitoba,which is not close to anything.