Re: Penn State scandal and its effect on the rising hockey program
I would guess that the NCAA would wait until the dust settles, see what happens legally, then decide what kind of actions, if any, they want to make. With criminal investigations going on and everything else that is going on in this case, and what is rumored, I'm guessing the NCAA doesn't want to jump in at this point.Only a couple years? That's certainly where we disagree, which is fine. I just think more information is gonna come out and this is gonna drag on. I think it's gonna be in the minds of parents/people all over for more than a couple years.
Doesn't it sound like the NCAA is staying out of this all together and letting the authorities handle it? I'm not gonna begin to pretend to know what the NCAAs jurisdiction is on matters like this, but it seems to fit the "lack of institutional control" label even though it doesn't involve recruiting.