Re: Pairwise and Bracketology 2013 Edition
This might help:
From Moy's column, supposedly copied from the Committee's instructions:
In setting up the tournament, the committee begins with a list of priorities to ensure a successful tournament on all fronts including competitive equity, financial success and likelihood of playoff-type atmosphere at each regional site. For the model, the following is a basic set of priorities:
• The top four teams as ranked by the committee are the four No. 1 seeds and will be placed in the bracket so that if all four teams advance to the Men’s Frozen Four, the No. 1 seed will play the No. 4 seed and the No. 2 seed will play the No. 3 seed in the semifinals.
• Host institutions that qualify will be placed at home.
• No. 1 seeds are placed as close to home as possible in order of their ranking 1-4.
• Conference matchups in first round are avoided, unless five or more teams from one conference are selected, then the integrity of the bracket will be preserved.
• Once the five automatic qualifiers and 11 at-large teams are selected, the next step is to develop four groups from the committee’s ranking of 1-16. The top four teams are the No. 1 seeds. The next four are targeted as No. 2 seeds. The next four are No. 3 seeds and the last four are No. 4 seeds. These groupings will be referred to as “bands"
Please note the 2nd bulleted point: Host institutions are placed at home. I read that to mean that if UNH is a #1 seed, then, before anything else, they will be the #1 in Manchester.
Then, please note the 3rd bulleted point. #1 seeds are placed as close as possible to home, in order, (my emphasis), 1-4. I take this to mean that, after UNH is placed in Manchester, then the committee would start at #1. If Quinnipiac is the overall #1, they get placed in the closest possible region besides Manchester (remember, Manchester is already taken by UNH). This is obviously Providence. Then, the #2 overall, Minny, gets put in Grand Rapids, and finally, BC in Toledo.
Now, I agree totally with those who say this is bad for attendance. However, it seems the committee has decided that giving the #1 overall seed and its fans the privilege of being close to home is more important than attendance.
At least, that's my take.