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Re: ObamaRama 8
The man did more in a movie than any elected official has in decades! And he loves his bratwurst!
See I am all for cutting waste, the problem is all the people that tout it (speaking of politicians of course) really dont want to do it (pork = votes!) and have no idea what they want to cut anyways. As you said they spin it so the average idiot thinks that cutting spending means cutting medicare or education when there are thousands of other things that are wasteful and get ignored. If I saw any of that go away, if I honestly thought that by giving the government less money they would spend less I would be the first in line but we know that isnt the truth. So as it is a tax cut doesn't do anything to curb the real problem. (that is not an endorsement of raising taxes especially on the rich, just saying cutting taxes is akin to using a watergun on a forest fire)
Does taking money away from a crack addict stop them from using crack? Nope just causes them to beg, borrow and steal to feed the habit. We needed the GOP Government to reign it all in so we wouldn't be where we are now. They didn't because as we know power corrupts. Now instead of the needed cycle of conservative spending/liberal spending we have just spend and spend more! And it will only get worse...
Murray Blum for President!!
The man did more in a movie than any elected official has in decades! And he loves his bratwurst!

See I am all for cutting waste, the problem is all the people that tout it (speaking of politicians of course) really dont want to do it (pork = votes!) and have no idea what they want to cut anyways. As you said they spin it so the average idiot thinks that cutting spending means cutting medicare or education when there are thousands of other things that are wasteful and get ignored. If I saw any of that go away, if I honestly thought that by giving the government less money they would spend less I would be the first in line but we know that isnt the truth. So as it is a tax cut doesn't do anything to curb the real problem. (that is not an endorsement of raising taxes especially on the rich, just saying cutting taxes is akin to using a watergun on a forest fire)
Does taking money away from a crack addict stop them from using crack? Nope just causes them to beg, borrow and steal to feed the habit. We needed the GOP Government to reign it all in so we wouldn't be where we are now. They didn't because as we know power corrupts. Now instead of the needed cycle of conservative spending/liberal spending we have just spend and spend more! And it will only get worse...