Obama has not presented a credible budget in several years. The last time the Senate voted on a budget presented by Obama, it was voted down 96 - 0. The Senate has not even voted on any budget over two years since. Now Obama presents another budget that is voted down by the House 414 - 0.
and your response is "well government is hard?" how is that serious? To me it is extremely serious when our so-called "leaders" in the Senate won't even bring a budget forward for a vote in over two years and when our President won't even present a budget that will garner at least one vote from his own party in the House of Representatives.
C'mon man, get real. People every day have big blowout fights with their spouses over household budgets, and yet they find a way to work it out*; yet the Senate and the President won't even engage in a conversation about it because they are concerned that the Republicans are trying to embarrass them in front of the voters?
Suppose what you say is true, and the Republicans are trying to force a vote on a budget so that the Democrats have to run against their own record? So what? Why is that a big deal? What is it that the Democrats are trying to avoid? It sounds to me like they are saying something like "vote for me even though I won't even let you know where I really stand on budgetary matters because the other guy is trying to make me look bad." Nice message they are sending to the voters instead of a vote on a budget! Wow, that will really show up those nefarious Republicans, won't it.
Now, how "serious" a response is that from the Democrats here? I'm no fan of the Republicans, but in a contest between a raging anal sphincter and an undependable sociopath I'll very, very reluctantly side with the raging anal sphincter, holding my nose the whole time.
What I REALLY want is some credible counter-offer from BHO and the Senate. That would be a "serious" response from them. Instead they come across as "do whatever we need to do to get past the next election and then we'll do whatever the heII we feel like after that." and that seriously troubles me.
PS I'd like to find video of the ad they ran about Ryan's previous budget. Someone actually hired a Paul Ryan look-alike to push an elderly lady in a wheelchair over a cliff. Nice constructive counter-proposal there, eh?
* even people who are getting divorced because they can't agree on a budget hire lawyers to negotiate a budget for them! The absence of a Federal budget is beyond absurd, it is downright shameful.