Why choose 2007? That was a year when Bush was in office...why not 2009?
In 2000 Clinton was president and the US had just experienced the largest peacetime economic expansion in history.
The price of oil has gone up. Subsequently, the price of other heating materials has also gone up. A good question might be why has the Republican Congress slashed HEAP and other programs to help pay for this increase? Another question would be why the Republicans have been opposing attempts at renewable energy at every step?
If people are out of work, they might use Food Stamps, don't you suppose? Which reminds me, exactly how many jobs bills were proposed by this Republican Congress that was elected to boost jobs?
Yes, a lot of home owners were financially neutered by the crash of the housing market. If these males were banks and investment firms, they would have been bailed out, but they're just people so they were left on their own.
Yes, we've been trying to raise revenue in this country, but every time that word comes up the Republicans want to talk about something else. Anyway, Congress controls the purse strings, not the president, so talk to them.
How much of that comes as a result of TARP and huge giveaways to the banks and the wealthy?
No, the United States is on pace to borrow $6.2 trillion in one 4-year period. Again, talk to Congress.
See above.