Re: Obama XIV: President VISTA with SP2
You still going to recap it? Probably too early now, but maybe in 4-5 months...
I might, but Kepler pretty much killed my interest in doing it thanks to his constant stream of negativity he pumped into the list that I did up, almost as if he had to put down every name I put forward, and quickly, or they'd have a chance to win the Presidency. It got old and I didn't even get a chance to finish it before I threw up my hands and said the heck with it. I'm sure the thread is still floating around somewhere in the ether.
For the record, here was the list I had as of June 2009. Age on Election Day 2012 is included, those with stars were on my 2008 list in 2004, and I included relevant elections/term limits between now and 2012.
1. Sarah Palin (48) Former Governor, Alaska
2. *Mitt Romney (65) Former Governor, Massachusetts
3. Mike Huckabee (57) Former Governor, Arkansas
4. Bobby Jindal (41) Governor, Louisiana (2011)
5. *Rudy Giuliani (68) Former New York City Mayor, New York
6. Charlie Crist (56) Governor, Florida (2010 senate run)
7. *Mark Sanford (52) Governor, South Carolina (2010 limit)
8. *Tim Pawlenty (51) Governor, Minnesota (2010 retiring)
9. Mike Pence (53) Congressman, Indiana (2010)
10. *Ron Paul (77) Congressman, Texas (2010)
11. Jon Huntsman, Jr. (52) Ambassador to China and Former Governor, Utah
12. *Haley Barbour (65) Governor, Mississippi (2011 limit)
13. Jim DeMint (61) Senator, South Carolina (2010)
14. *Newt Gingrich (69) Former Speaker of the House, Georgia
15. Lindsey Graham (57) Senator, South Carolina
16. *Fred Thompson (70) Former Senator, Tennessee
17. Mitch Daniels (63) Governor, Indiana
18. *John Thune (51) Senator, South Dakota (2010)
19. Gary Johnson (59) Former Governor, New Mexico
20. David Petraeus (60) General, New Hampshire
21. Eric Cantor (49) Congressman, Virginia (2010)
22. *Jeb Bush (59) Former Governor, Florida
23. *Dirk Kempthorne (61) Former Governor/Former Secretary of the Interior, Idaho
24. *Rick Perry (62) Governor, Texas (2010)
25. *Tom Coburn (64) Senator, Oklahoma (2010)
26. Judd Gregg (65) Senator, New Hampshire (2010 retiring)
27. *George Allen (60) Former Senator, Virginia
28. Kay Bailey Hutchison (69) Senator, Texas
29. Meg Whitman (56) Businesswoman, California (2010 governor run)
30. Linda Lingle (59) Governor, Hawai'i (2010 limit)
31. Mike Rounds (58) Governor, South Dakota (2010 limit)
32. *Sam Brownback (56) Senator, Kansas (2010 governor run)
33. *Condoleezza Rice (57) Former Secretary of State, California
34. Michael Steele (54) RNC Chair, Maryland
35. John Boehner (62) Congressman, Ohio (2010)
36. Paul Ryan (42) Congressman, Wisconsin (2010)
37. Carly Fiorina (58) Businesswoman, California (2010 senate run)
38. Jon Kyl (70) Senator, Arizona
39. Mitch McConnell (70) Senator, Kentucky
40. Matt Blunt (41) Former Governor, Missouri
41. *Rob Portman (56) Former Congressman, Ohio (2010 senate run)
42. John Ensign (54) Senator, Nevada
43. Jodi Rell (66) Governor, Connecticut (2010 retiring)
44. *Bill Frist (60) Former Senator, Tennessee
45. *Arnold Schwarzenegger (65) Governor, California (2010 limit)
46. *George Pataki (67) Former Governor, New York
47. *Tom Ridge (67) Former Governor/Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania
48. Don Carcieri (69) Governor, Rhode Island (2010 limit)
49. Rush Limbaugh (61) Political Commentator, Florida
50. Samuel Wurzelbacher (38) Activist, Ohio