Shirtless Guy
Old Dirty Basterd
Re: Obama XIV: President VISTA with SP2
As I stated, I'm not necessarily for cutting more funding from education (that is more of a case by case issue of determining if a district has too many administrators or guidance counselors). What I do have an issue with is the constant asking for more and more money "for the children." When its pretty obvious to me that throwing more money at education isn't really going to help our children learn more. All of us in our own lives have learned to cut back or not spend more than we did last year because many of our incomes have gone stagnant through this recession. Why should education be any different? They need to learn to work within their means.And good for them Bob if that's the case. From reading this thread though and comments from the usual idiots, I'm trying to glean what the way forward is here. Sounds like from the righties its lets cut education because that somehow sticks it to all powerful teachers unions, the same people who generally get laid off come budget crunch time. I'd saying that's stark raving stupid as 1) unions really have little power nowadays, and 2) how is cutting education funding going to make our country better able to compete with the rest of the world? To the second point, I've yet to see anybody even attempt an answer.