If you're watching Fox at all, and it isn't between noon and 3pm, you're a dope.
It's not about teh ideology. It's about teh dumbness.
If you're watching Fox at all, and it isn't between noon and 3pm, you're a dope.
It's not about teh ideology. It's about teh dumbness.
Ridiculous. So tolerant of other ideas and concepts, we are.
Ideas are only worthy of toleration when they are embedded logically in arguments.
I'd love to see an intelligent conservative news show. What you get on Fox are broadcasts aimed at folks who've been lobotomized, shutter island-style.
MSNBC has Ed Schultz, and CNN still sends paychecks to Rick Sanchez, so it's not like they don't have company. But, as with almost everything else, Fox takes it to another level.
I watch Schultz occasionally, and I don't have a problem with him other than that I disagree with him far more frequently than I agree with him. I keep an open mind about the beliefs and feelings of people who are not like me. You should try it sometime. I've read "The Audacity of Hope" and I'm about halfway through "Going Rogue." Sadly, I don't know anyone else personally who would be willing to read both.
That's why I don't really have too much of a problem with FR's interpretation of "Cordoba," but I believe the other interpretation is just as relevant and needs to be taken into account.
If you're watching Fox at all, and it isn't between noon and 3pm, you're a dope.
It's not about teh ideology. It's about teh dumbness.
That's a simple way of tossing out everything that you don't agree with. And a bit scary I have to say.Ideas are only worthy of toleration when they are embedded logically in arguments.
No, it's common sense
"Joe, the purple cat, likes the number 4" is an idea.
If you're watching Fox at all, and it isn't between noon and 3pm, you're a dope.
It's not about teh ideology. It's about teh dumbness.
What if you're watching it for the comedy? It's hilarious. It's like a 24 hour Stephen Colbert routine.
While MessNBC is like 24 hours of Jack***!
What's on Fox between noon and 3? Judge Judy?
MSNBC is rarely mentioned because they have virtually no viewers.