Re: Obama XIII: It's all Bush's fault.
"Spooked" is exactly the word that came to my mind. Van Jones, Acorn, the NBPP and now this. The administration is followng a dual track strategy with Fox, Beck et al: maintain that they aren't "legitimate" and suggest that "something should be done" about their alleged sins. Please note, some of the "non colluding" weenies at journolist suggested pulling Fox's license to do business. Program providers are not licensed, broadcast stations are. Frankly I don't know if Fox has any "O and O" (owned and operated) stations, but they don't need a license to be a program provider. And so much for the First Amendment. If you can't beat 'em, destroy 'em.
Part of that first track is to strike quickly (ruthlessly?) to deflate any story that might possibly lead off Beck. What else would explain the desperation of calling the lady three times while she was driving, to fire her? Pull over so we can throw you under the bus? Sounds Nixonian to me. Note: there has been no mention that Vilsack or anyone in the WH or (amazingly) at the NCAAP had the slightest interest in getting her side of the story. The "thinking" evidently was "Beck's gonna kill us with this, let's get rid of her ASAFP." Spooked? Boy howdy.
And anyone who believes that Vilsack "acted on his own, with no input from the WH" clearly needs a caretaker.
The other track is to maintain (with diminishing credibily) that "we're way to cool to pay any attention to what those neantherthals are up to."
Somebody made a point the other day (I don't recall who) that there's less racism now than there ever was, but it's been replaced by much more race-baiting. This whole affair is a veritable festival of race baiting and it doesn't paint a very pretty picture of political life in America these days. The NAACP passes a resolution condemning alleged racism among the Tea Partiers (on very flimsy and possibly fraudulent "evidence") forgetting decades of admonitions about avoiding "guilt by association." Breitbart runs a heavily edited tape which paints an untrue picture of what the lady meant. Did he do the editing? Who knows?
The NAACP claims Breitbart took advantage of them with the edited tape, conveniently overlooking the fact that their own videographer taped the lady's speech. Perhaps, I don't know, they could have reviewed their own tape before throwing her under the bus.
The White House first agrees with Vilsack, then disagrees, now agrees. One thing is beyond dispute: in this matter, the Obama Administration makes the Keystone Cops look like the Liebstandarte SS Adolph Hitler Division.
And what a joy it is to read the Journolist e-mails. Talk about your smoking gun. "I know, let's change the subject and accuse Fred Barnes of being a racist." What a hoot. If these folks want to work for the administration (and some of them now do) let them give up their day jobs and quit gulling us about their "objectivity."
the whole thing is interesting because she got sacked within a span of less than 8 hours yesterday from head to tail.
I have to wonder if the White House is panicking or something. Either that or they are so owing to the "tea party is racist" meme that they can't take the distraction from letting any other issues extend out.
Still, many possibilities... gone in the span of a work day. Gone in a matter of hours. I really think they're spooked.
edit: one possibility is that they just plain clean sacked her in advance of a massive conflict of interest... she represented a group suing the USDA obtaining a million$ (billion$?) settlement immediately before she became part of the USDA. This would be something that would come out in the aftermath/controversy that otherwise we would never know/follow up.
Lets note that she works at the pleasure of the president, an appointee.
"Spooked" is exactly the word that came to my mind. Van Jones, Acorn, the NBPP and now this. The administration is followng a dual track strategy with Fox, Beck et al: maintain that they aren't "legitimate" and suggest that "something should be done" about their alleged sins. Please note, some of the "non colluding" weenies at journolist suggested pulling Fox's license to do business. Program providers are not licensed, broadcast stations are. Frankly I don't know if Fox has any "O and O" (owned and operated) stations, but they don't need a license to be a program provider. And so much for the First Amendment. If you can't beat 'em, destroy 'em.
Part of that first track is to strike quickly (ruthlessly?) to deflate any story that might possibly lead off Beck. What else would explain the desperation of calling the lady three times while she was driving, to fire her? Pull over so we can throw you under the bus? Sounds Nixonian to me. Note: there has been no mention that Vilsack or anyone in the WH or (amazingly) at the NCAAP had the slightest interest in getting her side of the story. The "thinking" evidently was "Beck's gonna kill us with this, let's get rid of her ASAFP." Spooked? Boy howdy.
And anyone who believes that Vilsack "acted on his own, with no input from the WH" clearly needs a caretaker.
The other track is to maintain (with diminishing credibily) that "we're way to cool to pay any attention to what those neantherthals are up to."
Somebody made a point the other day (I don't recall who) that there's less racism now than there ever was, but it's been replaced by much more race-baiting. This whole affair is a veritable festival of race baiting and it doesn't paint a very pretty picture of political life in America these days. The NAACP passes a resolution condemning alleged racism among the Tea Partiers (on very flimsy and possibly fraudulent "evidence") forgetting decades of admonitions about avoiding "guilt by association." Breitbart runs a heavily edited tape which paints an untrue picture of what the lady meant. Did he do the editing? Who knows?
The NAACP claims Breitbart took advantage of them with the edited tape, conveniently overlooking the fact that their own videographer taped the lady's speech. Perhaps, I don't know, they could have reviewed their own tape before throwing her under the bus.
The White House first agrees with Vilsack, then disagrees, now agrees. One thing is beyond dispute: in this matter, the Obama Administration makes the Keystone Cops look like the Liebstandarte SS Adolph Hitler Division.
And what a joy it is to read the Journolist e-mails. Talk about your smoking gun. "I know, let's change the subject and accuse Fred Barnes of being a racist." What a hoot. If these folks want to work for the administration (and some of them now do) let them give up their day jobs and quit gulling us about their "objectivity."
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