Re: Obama XIII: It's all Bush's fault.
You accused me of 'being wrong' on...
The real situation is that frequently these folks don't pay taxes because they have writeoffs and the best advice that money can buy to avoid paying taxes.
...which you've failed to prove, again and again. So now your changing the subject to something else?
Income of the top 5%... $611k. The difference of the original bracket tax of 31% minus the effective tax of 18% equals taxes of $80k in income with no tax. Is this the point where you say you don't understand...or where you change the subject?
...and regarding the data, I take Wall Street Journals interpretation over yours...sorry.
"A recent study by the Congressional Budget Office found that the top 1% of Americans paid an average federal income tax rate of just 19% in 2007, the last year when data were available. The top 5% of earners paid an average rate of less than 18%."
The 19% income tax rate PAID remains the highest for all groups (CBO Data) and the overall effective tax rate is 31% which is again the highest percentage. That top 1% is currently paying 28% of the fed tax. All the numbers I've posted and now the numbers you've posted show that the rich pay at a greater rate and pay out a greater portion of their income. This pretty much shoots down your theory of to the $ quote Judge Smails "Well, we're waiting!"
You accused me of 'being wrong' on...
The real situation is that frequently these folks don't pay taxes because they have writeoffs and the best advice that money can buy to avoid paying taxes.
...which you've failed to prove, again and again. So now your changing the subject to something else?
Income of the top 5%... $611k. The difference of the original bracket tax of 31% minus the effective tax of 18% equals taxes of $80k in income with no tax. Is this the point where you say you don't understand...or where you change the subject?
...and regarding the data, I take Wall Street Journals interpretation over yours...sorry.
"A recent study by the Congressional Budget Office found that the top 1% of Americans paid an average federal income tax rate of just 19% in 2007, the last year when data were available. The top 5% of earners paid an average rate of less than 18%."
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