A couple weeks ago a guy in my bible study told about working in his father's (a retired preacher) Christian book store. He said that they regularly got people in from the country (central Indiana) who had no idea there was any version except King James. They believed that that was the way it was written originally. Pastors included. It's amazing the bubbles that people live in.http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569121,00.html?test=latestnews
I try to live by a few simple rules. One of them is: don't attend worship services at a church where the preacher wears Osh Kosh by Gosh!
I've always thought Mother Theressa was a satan worshipper. I'm glad someone finally stood up and said it.
Wow!!! Guess they really want that express ticket to Hell don't they??? No sitting around in Purgatory for them.http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,569121,00.html?test=latestnews
I try to live by a few simple rules. One of them is: don't attend worship services at a church where the preacher wears Osh Kosh by Gosh!
A couple weeks ago a guy in my bible study told about working in his father's (a retired preacher) Christian book store. He said that they regularly got people in from the country (central Indiana) who had no idea there was any version except King James. They believed that that was the way it was written originally. Pastors included. It's amazing the bubbles that people live in.
A couple weeks ago a guy in my bible study told about working in his father's (a retired preacher) Christian book store. He said that they regularly got people in from the country (central Indiana) who had no idea there was any version except King James. They believed that that was the way it was written originally. Pastors included. It's amazing the bubbles that people live in.
It is a reasonable question, everybody knows that King James payed big money to get all of the major transcendent religious figures of his time to use his line of holy books.A friend from college's dad is a preacher in Bahrain and was once stationed in Saudi Arabia working for AramCo(sp?) there on the American compound.
Men and women would routinely come to him and ask him why he didn't use the KJV of the Bible, since that was the one Jesus used.
Distracted Pilots Overfly the Twin Cities
FAA sources say Northwest Airlines flight 188 from San Diego to Minneapolis lost radio communication for over an hour Wednesday night.
The Airbus A-320, carry 147 passengers and crew, lost contact with controllers just before 7 p.m.
The National Transportation Safety Board says an hour later the plane flew over Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and continued for 150 miles into Wisconsin.
The FAA notified the military, which put Air National Guard fighter jets on alert at two locations. As many as four planes could have been scrambled, but none ever took to the air.
"After FAA re-established communications, we pulled off," said Michael Kucharek, a North American Aerospace Defense Command spokesman.
Officials say controllers were able to reestablish contact with the plane at 8:14 p.m.
NTSB officials say the pilots told controllers they had gotten distracted and requested to return to Minneapolis-St. Paul International.
The plane landed safely after 9 p.m., about an hour and fifteen minutes later than it was scheduled to land.
Northwest Airlines originally told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the delay was due to weather, but during a post-flight interview the NTSB says the pilots told federal authorities they were in a heated discussion over airline policy and were not aware of the situation.
The National Transportation Safety Board will be conducting it's own interviews.
They say the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder have been secured and are being sent to its lab in Washington, D.C.
The NTSB says right now it is looking into all possibilities, including pilot fatigue.
Thursday afternoon, Delta Airlines released a written statement saying, "The safety of our passengers and crew is our top priority. We are cooperating with the FAA and NTSB in their investigation as well as conducting our own internal investigation. The pilots have been relieved from active flying pending the completion of these investigations."
Passengers 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS talked with immediately after the plane landed said they were unaware of any problems onboard. No one was hurt.
So if I grew up speaking Hebrew but later in life learned English, how would I know whether to use the original or the KJV when deciding if I need to stone my wife?“I believe the King James version is God’s preserved, inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God… for English-speaking people."
Hey, who doesn't love a good Satan-smoked BBQ flavor?The book-burning is being promoted as a social event with a barbecue dinner.
". . .in a heated discussion over airline policy?" What the #@#$% is going on
here? Fire these two clowns, immediately.
Not sure if this has been in the thread before or not, but either way it truly shows what a "nice planet" from any way you choose to view it.
People Of Walmart
Will they have hickory-smoked too?Hey, who doesn't love a good Satan-smoked BBQ flavor?
Minnesota high court: Bong water can count as illegal drug
The Minnesota Supreme Court says bong water can qualify as a controlled substance.
In a split decision today, the high court says a person can be prosecuted for a first-degree drug crime for 25 grams or more of bong water that tests positive for a controlled substance.
The decision comes in the case of a Rice County woman. Items seized from her home included a glass bong — a type of water pipe often used to smoke drugs. It contained over an ounce of liquid that tested positive for the presence of methamphetamine.
The Supreme Court says that counts as a drug "mixture" under state law. It noted that the liquid wasn't plain water, but had a pink color and fruity odor. A narcotics officer testified that drug users sometimes keep bong water to drink later.
Wait, people actually drink their bong water?
Wait, people actually drink their bong water?
I knew a lot of resourceful people when I was in college but no one thought of that!
I never knew of anyone either. Then again, I didn't know any meth heads. Drinking bong water sounds about as bad as drinking chew spit...