French Rage
Re: Nice Planet © 2009
Re: Nice Planet © 2009
Didn't Malvo later claim that he had lied when he said he was the main shooter since they couldn't give him the death penalty and it would result in less on Muhammed? I can't seem to find a definitive source of who did what though. But yeah Geraldo sucks, that goes without saying.
Re: Nice Planet © 2009
Just a reminder: it was that unconscionable media whore Geraldo Rivera who compared Shawn Hornbeck (the kid kidnapped and raped for years in Missouri) to Lee Boyd Malvo, who was in fact the principal shooter, responsible for most of the deaths. Nice.
Didn't Malvo later claim that he had lied when he said he was the main shooter since they couldn't give him the death penalty and it would result in less on Muhammed? I can't seem to find a definitive source of who did what though. But yeah Geraldo sucks, that goes without saying.