Fight Cancer, Wherever You Find It
Re: New/Rented movies: Here comes the movie to change all movies
It was in theaters, for a short while. Read the graphic novel, much better.
Up in the Air (2009) - Everyone else has probably seen this before but if you haven't and you enjoy well acted dramas this one is great. Clooney gives an Oscar level performance (though he didn't win) but Vera Farmiga is really the true star of the film. If I had seen this movie before the Oscars I would have been rooting for her for best supporting and would have been disappointed when she didn't win.
Whiteout (2009) - Was this even in the theater? For a detective mystery type story this wasn't any better than the standard fare on TV. Even staring at Kate Beckinsale couldn't save this film.
It was in theaters, for a short while. Read the graphic novel, much better.