I will not dump on BU fans if the place is empty on Thursday. In fact I sorta hope it is just to get a message out there that even putting a local team in the Thursday 2 pm slot is idiotic. If we're stuck with the day off in between moving forward, make every regional a Fri/Sun regional and deal with the fact that you'll have overlapping games on Friday.
I will not dump on BU fans if the place is empty on Thursday.
Seats are now available in sections 118, 119, 122 and 123 for Thursday. $17.00 in fees on one ticket unreal.
Seats are now available in sections 118, 119, 122 and 123 for Thursday. $17.00 in fees on one ticket unreal.
Is attendance usually that pitiful for these games that they don’t need to open the upper level?
Two. Likely Western and Denver.I wonder if that was one of the schools allotments that didn’t get used?
Do they even bother to try to sell the upper level seats? Is attendance usually that pitiful for these games that they don’t need to open the upper level?
I will not dump on BU fans if the place is empty on Thursday. In fact I sorta hope it is just to get a message out there that even putting a local team in the Thursday 2 pm slot is idiotic. If we're stuck with the day off in between moving forward, make every regional a Fri/Sun regional and deal with the fact that you'll have overlapping games on Friday.
The NCAA won't be listening to the message, because (as has been previously discussed) they don't care about attendance.
Why don't you take some BC fans with you? Help out a bit.
Actually, happy that I won't be attending once i consider it all.
Downtown Manch has numerous and varied options. For sheer proximity, Murphy’s Tap Room and Murphy’s Diner are diagonally across the street from the SNHUrena:
Both are fine. Essentially in the same block is The Goat. It is a local chain. I’d go there over Murphy’s:
If you were to exit the venue and turn right you would be heading north on Elm ST which is the main drag downtown. Elm street is very walk-able and along with the side streets has dozens of dining options ranging from take out sandwich and pizza shops to sit down Mexican, Thai, a steak house and other fine dining establishments. All are under a mile from the arena.
Among many others, some of my favorites:
Strange Brew Tavern, a local establishment that’s been around for almost 25 years:
Thirsty Moose Taphouse, a local chain, two blocks from the arena:
Shaskeen Pub, a true traditional Irish pub. Love this place:
The Crown Tavern, a block off Elm, slightly upscale:
Consuelo’s Taqueria, a block off Elm, I get a burrito here a couple of times a month:
I’d be remiss in not mentioning Piccola, a great Italian restaurant right on Elm:
The steakhouse is Hanover Street Chophouse:
This is just a small sample. A quick map search will reveal many more options including places for a quick slice or sandwich as well as a noodle bar and a Brazilian steak house. Feel free to hit me with questions.
**** Check with restaurants about their hours. Most are having staffing trouble and many have scaled back***
We could have held a seance during the NU/WMU game last year in Worcester. It was a noon game, and the lack of support was embarrassing. I get it, its noon on a Friday, and there are classes, getting out there, bla bla. But it was awful compared to the late afternoon UMass/Minny game which was about 80% full.
See, THIS is what is troubling. The NCAA brags about the "atmosphere" and "excitement" surrounding its tournaments. Yet, they facilitate just the opposite (and I'm not blaming you, BTW - I wouldn't be excited about attending a game in a half-empty arena - and I have done it more than I have cared to).
What I DON'T understand is that almost everyone has (or has access to even if it's just via their cable or streaming service) a DVR. Then they could have the games at reasonable times? Is ANYONE going to sit and watch ALL eight games live? Why do they think that they have to stagger the games? Put them on delay if they have to.
(Of course, you'd have to block that stupid scroll on the bottom of the screen. You can't watch anything on delay these days because then you find out about games that you might be waiting to watch later).