paint with a broad brush. I support the team, wholeheartedly and 100%. Those kids have worked hard for 15 years to get to the level they are playing and they deserve our support and the very best coaching to allow them to develop to the next step in their career. They don't get that from TW. I do NOT support TW. If I were truly anonymous, I would not have my email available.
I have and do volunteer at soup kitchen(s), food cupboards and through the United Way. My energy gets channeled where it will do the best for my community and my family.
Abbott will do what he feels is best for the University and for the Hockey Program. NOW...when you are on National Television with two empty rows behind your home bench and crowd pans (you know, when they show the stands for "all those fans") that show a 2/3 to 3/4 capacity crowd that does NOT match what the university "officially" publishes for attendance...when people I know who have been, in the past, season ticket holders tell me they will not get tickets again until Timbo is history (many more than one)...when you lose not only the ticket revenue, but also the additional concession and memorabilia revenue (they call this the "big picture") have to ask yourself...what is best for the Program...for the University? What are the potential downsides to either scenario...? If you have the answers to all of these questions, then maybe you need to apply for the AD position...otherwise, stop smoking whatever it is you are buying on the street corner and take a bite of the reality-cake that has been set before us all.