Re: Elections 2012:What unites us is greater than what divides us
Consumers that make less than a certain amount (can't remember how much, I think $150k) got a free $400 for two years as well. "Making Work Pay", as they called it.
In 2009, nobody paid taxes. How'd that work out?
The consumer didn't spend. Business didn't spend. Business didn't hire. If the government doesn't backstop the banking system (just long enough for it to recover) and it stops spending, the economy siezes up.
90s growth was driven by massive business productivity improvements vs. the 80s coming from IT, worker productivity tools, access to massive information to improve performance, communication and the initial benefits of the internet economy. If it says the 90s was all due to a tax cut, you'd better get a new source of info.
There's a time and place for everything. The time for spending increases as a patch is when nobody else is spending. The time to not spend is during the 2000s when you're kicking off multiple wars.
Consumers that make less than a certain amount (can't remember how much, I think $150k) got a free $400 for two years as well. "Making Work Pay", as they called it.