Re: Elections 2012 -- Carrion My Wayward Son!
There must be something illegal about pushing...
The government officials over-stepped their bounds. I am glad that they spoke their minds. They have every right to, and they should have. Indicating that they could prevent a legally operating business from opening was dumb. On the other hand, I absolutely think that an alderman of a district with a large gay community should say something publicly about how his constituents may feel about a business that supports anti-gay causes opening in that district.
Saying he'll stop it? No. If he had said that his constituents may not welcome them, and left it at that? Fine. Good, in fact (in my opinion).
As for those who are deciding personally no longer to support those anti-gay causes by patronizing a business that proudly supports them. Also good.
As for those who go out of their way to support that business and those causes. Good, too, even though I believe that the cause in question is misguided, bigoted, and un-American.
There must be something illegal about pushing...