Gump Laird is hitting 2nd tonight.
Nothing like a 35-pitch 1st inning to make you feel good about the rest of the day, eh?He's got about as much control of his fastball as Joey Harrington had throwing the deep ball.
Rain delay. Tarp on the field.
It's the only thing that can save Verlander tonight. He's been terrible.
He's elevating the ball a lot. Rain is going to last an hour they said.
Baffled Hale held Ike Davis at third, he could have scored easily on that double. Beyond conservative.
I think Joey Harrington burned my fries today.
I think he made enough that you and your wife combined would never come to close to his career earnings.
Think he saved any of it?
He's probably got almost all of it. He saved it and didn't live extravagantly.