Re: Death to the Incumbent!! Your guide to the 2010 primaries
GD it, Rover. It is absurd to include Jan Brewer on a list with Kirk and Blumenthal. It's not the same thing, not even close. She's not claiming service or decorations for herself to enhance her candidacy. She's repeating stories which (true or not) have nearly a zero liklihood of making her more likely to win a term on her own. And how, Mr. know everybody's motivations and thoughts, is she supposed to "KNOW" her father didn't serve overseas? She was an infant! World War II vets were dying of wounds received in battle for decades after the war ended. So the mere passage of 11 years doesn't mean anything. Unless it's your view that a World War II vet had to die before the Japs surrendered or it didn't count. You're just dying to make her out to be some sort of liar--it's bogus and you know it. Don't tell me what 11 year olds are "supposed" to know. That's beyond nonsense.
Jan Brewer should have been smart enough to know at 11 years old that 1) the war was over for 10 years, and 2) her father wasn't overseas. The fact that she said this in the last month makes it relevant.
Having said all that, I'm mostly in agreement. I don't think that if you agree with the political views of Blumenthal, Kirk, or Brewer vs their opponents this is enough to vote against them. However, everybody can send their thank you's to Linda McMahon for opening this can of worms for every other candidate.
GD it, Rover. It is absurd to include Jan Brewer on a list with Kirk and Blumenthal. It's not the same thing, not even close. She's not claiming service or decorations for herself to enhance her candidacy. She's repeating stories which (true or not) have nearly a zero liklihood of making her more likely to win a term on her own. And how, Mr. know everybody's motivations and thoughts, is she supposed to "KNOW" her father didn't serve overseas? She was an infant! World War II vets were dying of wounds received in battle for decades after the war ended. So the mere passage of 11 years doesn't mean anything. Unless it's your view that a World War II vet had to die before the Japs surrendered or it didn't count. You're just dying to make her out to be some sort of liar--it's bogus and you know it. Don't tell me what 11 year olds are "supposed" to know. That's beyond nonsense.