Re: Death to the Incumbent! Part Two: Now with more Death.
Hmmm...getting off on a tangent here. I'll answer the question wewantmore? maybe posted, which is at what point is it about Obama vs the economy.
I'd say a 40 something seat loss is probably economy driven. Few people expected us to be well into year 3 of a jobless recession. With things looking like the period of 1976-1982 on the job front, which also resulted in a great back and forth on the political scent (Dem Prez takeover, then GOP Prez takeover plus Senate, followed by Dem House bounce back) a lot of losses are out of the admin's control. Any higher than that means Dems just aren't showing up at all, and that would be on Obama (or more accurately Harry Reid).
Another way to look at it is where are the losses coming from? Reps who lose in the South or parts of the Midwest aren't due to Obama because those voters never liked him before he even took office. If they start losing Dem friendly areas (NY, PA, CA) then you can put that at his feet.
On to predictions. Dems lose 5 in the Senate (ND, IN, AR, WI and one or two others) by splitting the remaining toss ups (NV, IL, AK, PA and CO). I base this largely on my "Rasmussen rule" - which is if even Rasmussen can't show you leading and you're the GOP candidate, you're screwed!
That takes CA, WA, and WV off the board.
House - Dems lose a net of 35 (as in they drop 40 but win back 4-5). I'm looking closely at PA and OH (and to some extent FL). Some idiots have like 9 New York House seats up for graps. Tomorrow will tell, but I find that hard to believe in a place where the two Dem Senators and the Dem Gov candidate are leading their races by like 25 points. However, both PA and OH have competitive statewide races (PA for Senate, OH for Gov). If they limit their losses (to a half dozen lets say) here they're looking a lot better as we move further west.
South will be ugly especially in open seat races but several entrenched incumbents will also go down (TX, MS, etc).
Gov - not going through every state. GOP strong midwest with pickups in PA, MI, IL, IA, and WI. Dems counter in CA, FL (I wouldn't have thought this race until I was down there last week, when even my rock-ribbed, God fearin', gun totin' GOP relatives by marriage where telling me Rick Scott is a "f*kin crook"), MN and my surprise prediction - Ohio.
Now lets hear from some of you. No penalty for wrong predictions.