Wow - congrats to the UMass Boston NCAA tournament bound womens team!!! Huge performance in the playoffs. Given they lost their coach between seasons as a result of an on-ice fall after a game during handshakes at the end of last season and had to go with an untested assistant as an interim head coach, this is an amazing accomplishment. Can't see a path for Norwich to the NCAA tournament now given that Midd and Amherst both advanced. We know who the NCAA tournament 8 seed will be now (likely fodder for Plattsburgh).
With Middlebury winning today, don't see how Norwich can jump the Panthers, even with the head-to-head victory.
If Middlebury would have lost, would have been a real interesting discussion if the final Pool C came down to Norwich and them.
So, you think ECAC-W might have 3 teams in the tournament should Plattsburgh lose on Sunday?
If Adrian holds serve and Utica beats Plattsburgh? Yes, i think Elmira & Plattsburgh would be the Pool C teams.
I think Elmira needs Plattsburgh to win.
I think Elmira needs Plattsburgh to win.
Can anyone share how/when they share the selections for the tournament? I had heard a rumor they actually had a "live" video but wasn't sure that was true or if it was available to the general public.
Can anyone share how/when they share the selections for the tournament? I had heard a rumor they actually had a "live" video but wasn't sure that was true or if it was available to the general public.
Monday at 10am eastern here:
Solid as a rock, boys and girls. You can mail it in. Utica has this thing in the bag. (Anyone care to wager?)
Has the NCAA ever awarded an at large bid to a team did not play in their conference championship?
With Plattsburgh controlling Utica and Adrian looks pretty wrapped up.
The UMB win makes things a little interesting. UMB should go to Plattsburgh. With Elmira being the only team within 500 miles of Adrian, they would hypothetically go there...leaving Middlebury/Amherst to play again. So do they screw Plattsburgh, fly a couple of teams or have a conference match up in the quarterfinals.
3 main options:
Option A
NCAA goes with bracket integrity, avoiding flights
UMB @ Plattsburgh
Elmira @ Adrian
Amherst @ Middlebury
St. Thomas @ River Falls
Option B
What I think would be the best keep closest to bracket integrity...without multiple flights
UMB to Adrian
St. Thomas to River Falls
Amherst to Plattsburgh
Middlebury to Elmira (or vice versa...does this move Middlebury above Elmira?)
Option C
What probably happens with the NCAA cheapness.
St. Thomas to River Falls
Elmira to Adrian
UMB to Middlebury
Amherst to Plattsburgh.
Of Course there is always Option D (2 flights)
UMB @ Plattsburgh
St Thomas @ Adrian
Amherst @ River Falls
Middlebury @ Elmira
My Money is Option B...but we'll see
I suppose Option B could be Amherst to Adrian, UMB to Plattsburgh
I think I would agree with you on your assessment that it'll be either B or C, and that, if B prevails, either UMB or Amherst would go to Adrian. They've done quarterfinal flights several times.
I'm hoping for Option B since I want a home game in Elmira.
Plattsburgh will be #1 and UMB will be #8. f they have to fly someone, don't know why it would be UMB - why screw Plattsburgh? Keep closer to bracket integrity and fly Amherst. Seems like a slam dunk to me.