still amazed
Registered User
Re: Canadian National Team
Rebecca Fahey, Kathy McCormick I believe were from the East Coast.
I think you could have used regional representation for these selections.
As well as Leslie Reddon, and Therese Brisson having been at UNB and playing on the national team, but not from the area originally.
Stacey Wilson of New Brunswick played on several NWT’s in the 1990’s and was captain of the 1998 Olympic Team in Nagano
OnMAA, I am hoping you are correct in your comments, for future of Atlantic Canada players
Rebecca Fahey, Kathy McCormick I believe were from the East Coast.
I think you could have used regional representation for these selections.
As well as Leslie Reddon, and Therese Brisson having been at UNB and playing on the national team, but not from the area originally.