Good Times Bad Times has a
good video discussing the Ukraine war as an economic conflict. Ukraine has been trapped in the Moscow-driven Eastern European core, which is riddled with corruption, nepotism, substitution of force for law, and skimming by oligarchs. Dumpism as national policy. As Ukraine westernized, they moved towards freer markets and more liberal and rule-based rather than authoritarian-driven policies. Moscow tried increasingly hamfisted methods of keeping them prisoner to the Moscow system, from election stealing to cultivating destabilizing treason groups and finally to full-on invasion.
I was thinking about how this conflict between authoritarian, far right economics, which privileges the enrichment of elites and connected factions, versus well-regulated, law-based, democratized economics, as a global struggle since the rise of Neoliberalism. As the West betrayed its contract for greater opportunity for their populations, far right populist demagogues were able to thump the tub against Western values and find common cause among the economically abandoned and traditional right wing racist, fundamentalist, and misogynist groups. Of course, these populist leaders invariably create
greater inequality by destroying democratic institutions, so they are particularly attractive to the very elites made fat by the giveaways of the Reagan and Thatcher era, and populist parties wind up a con game.
In this view, Putin (and Dump) are the reductio ad absurdum of supply side and the new gilded age, and this war is yet another chapter in the global fight against the Plutes and their Useful Idiot conservaderps.