Bill Maher is not Left, he is just anti-Trump. He has been lurching Right ever since Ben Affleck pimpslapped him over his Islamophobia. And it is not a surprise he won't have writers, he basically told them they can phuck off and die on his podcast. When the strike is over no one is going to write for him...but I bet he is dying to get Drew Barrymore on and turn her into a martyr for doing exactly what he is doing. Lest we forget, this is the guy who railed on the Democrats because Blue States had strong rules on masks during the Pandemic which hurt his ticket sales.
Trump is the presumptive nominee, him being interviewed is not wrong. It is going to be the tenor of her questions that matter. If she lobs him softballs I am with you. If she remembers he hates her and her kind anyways and plays it fair then he walks out and we all get a great laugh. We can't just ignore him he is going to be the the candidate whilst indicted.