Deutsche Gopher Fan
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I’m still on twitter for the humor
So....... Elmo is giving back blue check marks randomly. Daniel Dale (CNN reporter, fact checker) had his return, @Dril fought to have the free one given to him removed (and it was returned, and removed again). Christy Tiegan also fought to have her free blue check removed. Stephen King was also assigned one when he said no.
No one can figure out if it's a certain number of top followed people or what the threshold is for the blue check to return.
Also, the free check isn't indistinguishable from the paid check; everything says they're a paid subscriber to Twitter Blue.
If he's giving them out to the top influencers to sucker others into buying Blue, that feels illegal...
This is going about as well as the SpaceX launch!
Elmo goes on record vehemently denying he's a trust fund baby whose early life was financed by his father's "emerald mine," so much so that he's willing to put up one million Doge coin as a bounty for anyone with proof.
Errol Musk, the estranged father of Elon, quietly raises his hand and asks if he's eligible for the Doge coin bounty.
Elmo goes on record vehemently denying he's a trust fund baby whose early life was financed by his father's "emerald mine," so much so that he's willing to put up one million Doge coin as a bounty for anyone with proof.
Errol Musk, the estranged father of Elon, quietly raises his hand and asks if he's eligible for the Doge coin bounty.
Loved that this morning!
wasn’t it hovey who tried to describe him as a self made millionaire lol
Loved that this morning!
wasn’t it hovey who tried to describe him as a self made millionaire lol
I had a Dumpy co-worker at my last job who would rant about him being self-made.
"During that time," said Errol, speaking to Elon's college years, "I managed to send money I made from emerald sales to him and [Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk] for living expenses."
"Elon's main concern is not to appear to be a 'trust fund kid' who got everything given to him on a plate," Errol told the tabloid, though did add that the belief that his son was born with a silver — or, well, emerald — spoon in his mouth "isn't true."
"Elon took risks and worked like blazes to be where he is today. The emeralds helped us through a very trying time in South Africa, when people were fleeing the country in droves, including his mother's whole family, and earning opportunities were at an all-time low," he continued. "That's all."
Personally, I don't disparage Musk for his education or his PayPal payout. Good for him.
Of the many things I dislike of him is his spin on "I was just a poor boy who golly-gee got lucky and got into school on his own." Also, the whole "I have PayPal payoff money and turned into a stereotypical James Bond villain," egotistical attitude.
Him and Trump are of the same ilk. Egotistical narcissists who would be much better at grifting if they would just stay adjacent to the spotlight instead of always seeking it out like a moth to a bugzapper.
So my company announced they're laying off another 8% of the workforce in addition to the 2% cuts we had last month. Lovely.
just a kick in the pants man. That's a LOT of people.
Does article say his father's money had anything to do with any businesses he started? It did say he fabricated his claim the father didn't earn money from emeralds, and obviously the father helped pay his way through college.
Seems unclear how much his father's money did or did not go into any start-ups.