When you are fighting Nazis, everyone against them is your ally. The lesson of the last 50 years is that the NYT corporate Center and the ethically conscious Left must speak with one voice to the smoothbrains. We can work out our issues between ourselves behind closed doors, then march out holding hands to address the boobs. To do otherwise is to give wins to Nazi, which under Dubya from harrowing to a literal existential threat to life on this Earth, and then under Dump to a threat to our democracy.
There is no difference in policy or position which justifies turning anyone away from the alliance against the Nazis. We must not just beat them, we must bury them and force the GOP to eject them permanently. There are about 15% of the US population who must be denied, forever, a method to vote for their totalitarian wet dream.
End the right.
Burn the far right to the ground and sow salt so it will never grow again.