The problem people have with seniority I think is a result of our current culture of moving jobs every few years. Seniority isn't really problem once you wait it out and you move up after a few years. If you're used to moving every 5 years or so then waiting 2-3 years can seem like an eternity, but union jobs are meant to be worked for 20+ years so 2-3 years is nothing.Yeah, over the last decade I've become very pro union. But, and maybe this isn't unique, I'm not sure I'd want to be in a union job. The pay and benefits would probably be a bit better. But on the other hand, the whole seniority thing chaps my ***. The games my wife had to play, and in turn her and I as a family had to play, with vacation was infuriating. I despised having to turn in vacation plans in January going through December.
That said, I won't have to worry too much. Don't think engineers are at risk of unionizing anytime soon. So I'm not going to sweat it. I will continue to support the unions I deal with at work so much as they don't act with malice. I'm usually the first to cut them slack and find middle ground.
I don't think the concern has to do with whether people are pro or anti union. The concern, I suspect, is related to how it'll impact the daily lives of people in the country. If suddenly there are massive supply chain interruptions so people can't get prescriptions, food, gasoline, or (gasp) toilet paper, then in general people feel like things are going crappy, and those in power feel the brunt of it.
This isn't 1976 people actually can see what is happening.
People are talking about inflation numbers, every time they go to the grocery store. If the supreme court hadn't ruled on Dobbs, midterms would be a slam dunk for the repubs.
Despite the fact that nothing the GOP ever does addresses inflation. They can't fix it either.
They don't want to fix it. Higher prices keep profits high for their donors and gives them a talking point for white rural, suburban, and Rust Belt voters.
People are talking about inflation numbers, every time they go to the grocery store. If the supreme court hadn't ruled on Dobbs, midterms would be a slam dunk for the repubs.
While that may be true in theory...I highly doubt all the people upset about Dodds are going to all of a sudden not vote or flip away from Dems because a bunch of greedy corporate train d-bags screwed up the supply line. This isn't 1976 people actually can see what is happening.
All things being equal I might agree with this but people aren't going to ignore their rights being taken away just because it took a few extra days to get their deliveries. Want proof, notice how no one is talking about the inflation numbers. Care to guess why? (the Senate Abortion Ban is the correct answer)
I don't think women who care about their rights are going to give a fuck either, but let's be serious, less than 5% of Americans are going to understand what is happening. The Echo Chamber will cover it like Biden is anally violating Little Orphan Annie (the white version) and business news will probably lie too because they want their windfalls under the GOP even if it blows the world up.
People are stupid, Americans are stupider, and American voters appear to be stupidest. They aren't going to figure out it has nothing to do with the Dems. You are talking about people who voted for Dump and cared about CRT.
Yeah, it's not 1976, but I think you overestimate how much people actually "see what is happening." If you went out on the street right now and started asking questions about a possible train strike, would you find 1 out of 10 that know anything about it? I'm not sure I'd bet the over on that.
For those voters who are going to vote based primarily upon a single issue, whatever that issue might be, sure things like the train strike will have no impact.
I don't even know whether a train strike will change the outcome of the election at all. What I do know is that if things seem to be going bad for people at the time they are ready to cast their vote, whether it's difficulty getting a job, high prices, no gasoline, or whatever, they tend to take it out on the incumbents. That's why Biden is doing every thing that he can, now right before the election, to soften the impact of things going poorly, and try to provide some cover for them by doing things like loan forgiveness.
Yeah, it's not 1976, but I think you overestimate how much people actually "see what is happening." If you went out on the street right now and started asking questions about a possible train strike, would you find 1 out of 10 that know anything about it? I'm not sure I'd bet the over on that.
Case in point - this is literally the first week I've been aware of a possible train worker strike.
Ironically, American Selfishness is probably going to be what saves this country.
Case in point - this is literally the first week I've been aware of a possible train worker strike.
Tentative agreement on the rail worker contract.
Railroad unions: These are unfair working conditions, and we're gonna strike until they're fixed.
Pres. Biden: We've reached a deal. Strike averted.
Political media: ...dammit.