This third rate Limbaugh's scheduled Tweet aged well. ;-)
I don’t buy for a second that Biden was trying to block the strike. Sounds like people trying to feed the “both sides are bad!” propaganda. Biden got elected in part on his strength with labor unions, I doubt he’d willing throw that away in one fell swoop.I havent had a chance to get the source, but apparently Biden and some conservative legislature types are pushing congress to push an emergency bill through to keep the railroads going (I was too young, but similar to the air traffic controller strike?) beyond the deadline?
In Chicago, Metra has four lines that are operated by BNSF and UP, and those four lines are parking their trains tonight at 9pm. Five other lines are operated by Metra (on dedicated Metra lines or shared rights they have priority on) themselves and are planning to operate as normal Friday. Two other lines are questionable as to their service status.
Amtrak has canceled all long distance trains as of today (ie: Midwest, West, and South). Northeast rail service (which does NOT share track rights with the freight guys) are unaffected as of now.
They get a weekend to figure sh*t out, but if it's not solved by Monday morning, it's gonna get to be butt puckering time.
I don’t buy for a second that Biden was trying to block the strike. Sounds like people trying to feed the “both sides are bad!” propaganda. Biden got elected in part on his strength with labor unions, I doubt he’d willing throw that away in one fell swoop.
Same thing with the “only Bernie Sanders blocked Congress from forcing a stop to the strike!” stuff being spread.
Tentative agreement on the rail worker contract.
NYT: How the strike will be bad for Democrats
NYT: How averting the strike will be bad for Democrats
When Obama saved the American auto industry after the GOP tried to destroy it, did auto workers start voting D again?
Its amazing what a real politician can do.
He should have offered them free cheeseburgers!!!!
NYT: How the strike will be bad for Democrats
NYT: How averting the strike will be bad for Democrats
The real winner in the deal to avoid a railroad strike? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Well the UAW endorsed Clinton and Biden IIRC.
The union and the union members aren't the same thing.
The real winner in the deal to avoid a railroad strike? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Duh...but there is no way to really know how they voted because there is no way to poll all of them.
Yeah, I think “union people don’t care what their leaders think” trope is BS. Is it a perfect 100%? No, of course not.Im a Union Steward trust me I know. ;^)
That said I would bet the majority did not go to Trump.
Yeah, I think “union people don’t care what their leaders think” trope is BS. Is it a perfect 100%? No, of course not.