I have to say, I was really pleased with the crowds over the weekend. For it to be Thanksgiving, and a non-conference opponent, I thought it might be tough, but it ended up
3,505 and
3,798 each night. I know that there's been some hand-wringing about the fact that BSU has not sold out every game so far (and low attendnace vs. UAA - especially the Friday att. of
3,014*), but consider the following tid-bits:
Last year, the Beavers averaged 2,181 a game over 15 dates, for a total of 32,714. Good for 38th in the nation.
This year, BSU is averaging 3,750 in 8 games so far, for a total of 30,001. Good for 19th in the nation.
That season total of 30,001 is the most in any single season (besides last year) in the D-I era (last year was the first BSU ever averaged over 2,000), and if just 2,714 show up this Friday vs. UNO, BSU will have its largest season attendance in its D-I history, with seven home games remaining on the schedule. Not bad, eh?
* I just wanted to point out that last year, home games the weekend of the deer hunting opener were also poorley attended, with just
1,915 Friday and
1,590 Saturday - the only two games all season under 2,000...