Welcome back Cookie79. NOT!. Just like I do on the Ontario Forum, I'll call out anyone spewing false info or dirt on players or coaches.
You say "If my sources are correct, Brown lost another player this weekend"
Response..You fail to mention the reason is an injury.
You Say "I don't have a clue who Bruno is "
Response..."Bruno" is the nickname used for any Brown Varsity team.
You say " It's hard to concentrate on hockey, though, when everyone's got one skate out the door"
Response...Why don't you walk out that door. It cannot open from the outside.
Seriously...My two D's have played with several of those players already on that team, and they also played with two of the recruits coming in. These kids deserve support and team work from the whole team and their families.
One of my own D's who plays college hockey had a rough weekend with her team last weekend, resulting in two embarrassing losses. Some parents in the stands were questioning the coach while the second game was underway. My own Daughter was not happy with her performance on the Saturday game , was a bench warmer for a while and came to me for help after that game. She was pretty much PO'd and then some. So what did I do....
Certainly did NOT go on the forum and complain and chastise...NO....I told my own daughter that if I was a coach, I would have benched her as well. Gave her some examples of the mistakes she had made, and she came to understand she had an off game. Told her that if she was unhappy about it, it was up to HER to talk to the coach. Encouraged her to forget about what happened, come back the next day and focus on working hard to win the next game. While the team did lose the next day, she played a much better game and saw more ice time, including in the OT. The assistant coach commended her on a good game, and I echoed those sentiments. This is what you call a combination of supporting both the team and your daughter.
When some of the parents who were complaining asked me what I would do, gave them my views and told them to support the team and their daughters. Last thing the team needed was parents adding to the problems, or having a bunch of arm chair quarterbacks in the stands.
You see cookie, as a former coach and national caliber athlete myself, have a good understanding that it takes time, patience, team work and hard work towards a common goal to be successful. Brown does not have the most talented team, everyone here knows that. At this point their goals might very well be to win the next game, or the next period or whatever. It takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of ups and downs to build a team.
Brown will get better down the road, I have no doubt about that. They have been recruiting hard this year (I've seen them at various tournaments this year), and at least two of their recruits are prime time national caliber players (Not all of them have been announced yet). So better days are ahead.
In the mean time help the team succeed while the season is in progress, support your daughter with whatever she needs, and keep your negative thoughts to yourself.