It’s nearly impossible to win an argument when you’re arguing with a bunch of hypocrites.
1. Don’t sling mud, although you guys are the only ones who have done so.
2. Wins and losses can’t be the only reason to judge a coaches success, but it’s valid enough to discredit any progress made on the men’s side.
3. No player should feel entitled. If you don’t do your job then your cut or fired, but again we’re not allowed to apply that to the coaches.
4. No one knows how big Digit’s or Sean’s paycheck is, but it’s small enough to be a reason that Brown can’t keep coaches, but large enough to keep Digit and Sean around.
5. Don’t assume things. Logical reasoning can’t be made about Digit’s desire to win or the decisions she’s made unless we have facts. But when it comes to the players, it takes only one person to make stuff up to justify their own actions. If it wrongly portrays the character or ability of individuals you lack any remorse when repeating it.
6. A low level of endowments prevents Brown from being good. Although Cornell has a much lower level of funds with a much larger student body, they are becoming more and more competitive every year. And Yale with one of the largest endowments seems to be at the bottom of the Ivy League standings along with Brown.
7. Recruiting in the Ivy League is much different than other d-1 schools. Grades, community service, talent all have to be considered. But this only displays how good of a coach Digit must be, and nothing about the quality of the kids on her team.
8. Basically, since Browns in the Ivy League it has to accept that being competitive in sports will never happen. Because amongst the school’s mission for excellence they simply don’t apply that to team sports. But if they keep Digit around, they’ll be successful again.
9. A new coach would only increase turnovers, but turnovers aren’t actually a bad thing as long as Digit’s the coach.
10. You can post quotes that Digit has said to support your argument. When I do the same, I’m somehow manipulating what she said and am just twisting her words around somehow.
11. People that you claim to be insiders have no right publicly posting about this subject because somehow the idea of people having an actual idea about what’s happening is absurd. Obviously we’re all just taking advantage of being able to blow off steam from our kids getting cut or short shifted, or even ex-players trying to get revenge on the coach. But you all know the situation better than any of us without actually seeing it, so there’s no way we could just want the best for the program. That’s clearly what you guys want.
12. We’re selfish and are only thinking about one person, our kid. But it’s fine that all of you couldn’t care less about any of the player’s and are only concerned about Digit.
13. When the coaches are in question, it’s the team lacks talent. But when recruiting becomes the question, the coaches aren’t responsible for that either.
14. Cookies always being called out for not making sure her sources are correct, but who needs to check their sources when defending Digit. What one person says has to be true so it’s all right to make judgments of the situation.
15. People are cowards for being anonymous. But people who anonymously call people cowards are not.
16. It’s okay for a coach to use student’s grades to their advantage by recruiting them as AI kids to get someone else in. But it’s not okay for a student athlete to take advantage of their own grades and hard work by using them to get into a good school.
17. Recruiting is nearly impossible at Brown because of all of the different aspects that are considered in the process. But then if a new coach comes in, he’s bringing a bus load of recruits somehow so current players better be ready to get packing.
I think that summarizes almost all of the pro-Digit posts.