Re: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD (Part Whatever)
I also remember Officer Joe Bolton showing cartoons on Channel 11. He also did the Three Stooges and The Little Rascals (Our Gang). And of course Soupy Sales was way ahead of his time. Old Pio has a great clip of the Soupy Sales Show.
It's just some of the guys having a giggle at Soupy's expense on live TV.
In Chicago we had "Elmer the Elephant," "Uncle Johnny Coons," "Garfield Goose" and the all time king of local kids shows, the best ever, "Bozo's Circus." Larry Harmon had sold the rights to the Bozo cartoons and the Bozo face to TV stations all across the country. Most simply used a guy in a suit to sell stuff and intro cartoons.
WGN, however, created an hour long program that featured daily live circus acts (occasionally you'd see one that had been on Ed Sullivan), a 12 piece band, 300 kids live on the set, sketches and the "grand prize game" in which kids tossed ping pong balls into sand pails. If a kid got it into "bucket #6" (in addition to all the other prizes he'd won in buckets 1-5), he'd win a bike and a bag full of silver dollars. The "magic arrows" would pick one boy and one girl out of the "peanut gallery" who would also be playing for kids at home.
At its height, there was an 8 year wait to get on the show. Young couples would get married and write in for their allocation of four tickets. The tickets would come (for 8 years down the road) and by the time the young couple got to go to the show, they'd have like a 7 year old and a 5 year old. When you requested Bozo's Circus tickets, you were getting in line behind half a milion people!
Cable TV, changing demographics and do-gooders finally put Bozo out of business. The clowns in Washington decreed that children's shows had to have some sort of "educational" value. It wasn't enough to make 'em laugh anymore, you had to teach 'em long division or some d**m thing. Pity. But Bozo had better than a 25 year run in Chicago, and has the distinction of being the best local kids show ever.