Re: Boston University 2012 Offseason
There was no public discipline after the Agganis party, and there were no mysterious cuts from the roster at that time. The discipline/cuts came a year later, after events that were not relevant to the Globe article occurred.
Next you'll be saying that the constant reference to rapes and raping (as if it is some recurring planned event) might not be exactly accurate either.
As the Globe reporter has demonstrated, the facts shouldn't get in the way of a good story. Good news is she'll likely have a great career in the industry, they love those kind of people.
It actually detracts from what should be the impact of the situation; every school should be thinking "hey, we recruit a lot of the same kids, we all grant academic tolerance for the players, we all give them elevated status on campus and if we don't have proper checks and balances then having a few 20+ year olds do something riduculously stupid and illegal can bring our whole university into question"...instead it is "rapists, approved orgies, superhero culture...that isn't us".
Every school that has 20+ hockey players, some only there 1-2 years, should be thankful and give proper recognition to coaches, administrators and captains each year they don't have any notable issues. The student body at large has them, small liberal arts schools have them, heck the marching band at Wisconsin got banned, it can happen anywhere...even with strong due diligence and monitoring.
It is one thing to look at a school that cheats and say "that will never happen here"...I'd be careful about being too high and mighty on the assumption no 20 year old could do something stupid at any time and place even if nothing has gone wrong for several years.